

A well working process, is a sustainable process.

Without waste.


The traditional (Lean) view on Waste is built around inefficiencies, deviations or mistakes in a process, resulting in higher costs, longer cycle times, lower quality 



The beauty of monitoring and reducing CO2 emissions for inbound and outbound logistics, manufacturing or procurement, is that it's in the majority of cases a win-win to also achieve cost reductions. 


It is encouraging that new data and process mining technologies are improving the transparency and visibility for companies and can contribute to a cleaner and better world for all citizens.


A Sustainability Program is not Rocket Science, but on the contrary a very pragmatical approach: where, why and how are we loosing time, quality and costs.


And how and to what extend will that contribute to a Better World...


Lets not make it too visionary. You for sure can do it ...